Obama Staredown


by Theron K. Cal, Managing Editor RBRN

The 98% White Conservative owned media loves to talk about a Post Racial society, meaning racists have won and thus eliminated the Black and brown races from society.

The assumption being that the solution to America’s race problems would be solved if we simply eliminate non-Whites from society. Implicit in this thinking is that Blacks will accept that we are second class citizens and that Whites are superior.

Never considered is what the 2% Black Owned media offered in a recent controversial interview where Oprah Winfrey said, “Racism won’t end until the old racists simply die off.”

While the Conservative owned media quickly dismissed Oprah’s comments as naive at best and racist at worst what if Oprah is actually right? What if instead of a post racial America we’re facing a post racist one?


OPRAH: “We have to wait til the old racists die off”

While I fully understand Whites would prefer a post racial America thinking that they would enjoy privilege and favor- that comes from being born White without being questioned or challenged by people who aren’t White-the reality is without racism or more pointedly racists, how would they enjoy favor based on race?

The issue is without racists to violently enforce the myth of White supremacy how is such supremacy maintained? I’d offer it won’t be.

One may wonder why post racial and not post racist in the first place? As I said if given a choice, post racial is preferred by the 98% White Conservative owned media as well as the 99.9% of Whites who believe the Black race and culture in inferior.

Also a factor is the belief held by Whites that post racial is the same thing as post racist. While Blacks see racism as a White phenomenon, Whites see it as a Black one. Whites believe if Blacks wouldn’t be so uptight about 450 years of Slavery, Oppression, Discrimination and Racism then they wouldn’t be so defensive in denying it.

So in a post racial society Blacks wouldn’t remember Slavery and Whites wouldn’t remember they benefit from it.

The reality however is post racist means not only do we remember the history between Whites and Blacks but we frown on it. Case in point, was there not a time when what Donald Sterling said on that tape would have drawn a here here from our society?

Was there not a time when George Zimmerman would have become a star and got to sit down with Sean Hannity and be paid $300,000 grand…OK bad example but still.

No in a post racist society the Sheriff in New Hampshire called President Obama the N-word would be forced to immediately resign not allowed to hang on and plead his case.

There are many other examples of society turning its backs on racists, my point being there will come a time very soon where there won’t be any racists, that can’t be called post racial because there’d still be three distinct RACES just no racists.

The absence of racists in the post racist America will also see the absence of Black Sellouts who hate the Black race and culture as much as any White racists would. The notion that there’d be Blacks following the lead of racists when there are none would be absurd.

I’m not saying the Tommy Sotomayor’s, Jason Blacks, Tariq Nasheem’s and Clarence Thomas’ and them wouldn’t still covet White women over Sista’s but the need to Sellout would be lessened with no racists to impress and show out for.

In conclusion, while many will lament the post racist America-as opposed to the post racial- the most important aspect will be as Blacks who embrace our Black race and culture and reject the myth of White supremacy, we’d be free to help those non racist Whites who are left to assimilate into the new society.

Yes, to have a truly equal and free society we as Blacks will owe it to the Whites who chose not to be racist our hand in friendship, not to celebrate color blindness but as a vision to move society forward.

Those are my thoughts as usual I invite yours.


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1392613341834 200x192 EDWARD SNOWDEN IS A RACIST FRAUD :NBC INTERVIEWTheron K. Cal is a Real Brother currently building Real Brother Radio Network into a media force to be reckoned with.  @RBRNETWORK/TWITTER


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