
by Theron K. Cal Managing Editor RBRN

Edward Snowden gave an exclusive interview with Brian Williams who will go down in history as the perfect example of Conservative Bias in media.

Williams, in another exclusive interview for NBC with President Obama offered the blatant lie that there were 500,000 Tea Party Nuts at the Glenn Beck Rally in Washington D.C.

Every credible report estimated the crowd at less than 10,000-9,000 of those were reporters covering the event. This was a blatant lie and Williams knew it.

So when it was promoted that Williams would be sitting down with the High School Dropout turned traitor Edward Snowden-after my eyes rolled- I immediately thought to myself; Here we go again with more propaganda and Obama hatred from the 98% White Conservative owned media.

Let me make two admissions here; 1)I did not watch the interview and 2)Nothing new or ground breaking came out of the interview. The reason? Because Edward Snowden’s a fraud.

When Snowden announced that he was seeking asylum in China after obtaining documents that would prove that the United States Government was spying on all Americans, we all gasped because like the gullible idiots we are we believe a White boy when he’s making charges against someone Black, ie, Zimmerman lying about Trayvon.

Like the suckers we are, we were certain that if Snowden and the other Racist Heterophobes-Bradley Manning, Gleen Greenwald, Julian Assange-certainly they wouldn’t give up their freedom based on nothing but their racist hatred of America’s most accomplished President?

Yet as time went on, the reality set in that Snowden had no evidence at all that the NSA was spying on Americans and as he finally admitted himself, he only had evidence of NSA spying on foreign targets like German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Angela Merkel with phone

German Chancellor Merkel one of he AMERICANS spied on?

But even as his original lie was exposed he and his fellow Racist Heterophobes, Greenwald and Assange continued to promise that more and more lies would be revealed eventually proving the lie that was already exposed as false, we waited with baited breath for each new bogus claim.

Finally, it was revealed when the NSA is monitoring the calls of suspected terrorists in foreign Countries and they receive calls from Racist Tea Party Nuts- trying to overthrow the Obama Administration- they use the Reverse Directory published by the phone company to match the phone number with the traitorous scumbag making the call.

This practice is not illegal and its definitely not spying or monitoring ALL AMERICANS as the racists proclaimed.

The FISA Court reforms of 2009 remain in place as does the re-authorization of the Patriot Act both signed into law by President Obama the direct result of abuses by the Bush Administration.

There is no doubt in my mind that President Obama knew all along that Snowden had nothing as evidenced by his interview with a contrite Chris Matthew’s who’s still facing the backlash for his “thrill up the leg” and the “For a moment there I forgot he was Black.” comments.

Matthews was certain to make up for his prior support of Obama by sandbagging him with Snowden’s charges that his administration was spying on Americans.

The FISA Court reforms and the re-authorization of the Patriot Act make it illegal for the NSA to monitor or track the communications of individuals or groups within’ the borders of the Continental United States.”

~President Obama

The President went on to say; outside the borders of the United States the Constitution doesn’t apply giving NSA more leeway in monitoring.

Even Matthews was forced to acknowledge the President aptly explained how Snowden’s claims are without merit.

So as the midterm elections approach and the 98% Conservative owned media lie about bombshells coming from Snowden you’re welcome to join me and the other 96% of Blacks who support this President in yawning, as the revelations are so much malarkey and baseless nonsense.

Those are my thoughts, as usual I invite yours.

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