Fort Hood Shooter IVAN LOPEZ


by Theron K. Cal

Los Angeles, CA- NBC News is reporting that Fort Hood Shooter Ivan Lopez had a confrontation with an African-American soldier in his own unit before leaving only to return shooting.

According to the father of the African-American soldier there was a dispute or confrontation in which Lopez gave an indication that he had something for the man’s son before returning to wound him and fifteen others while killing three before Lopez took his own life.

Those of us not bound but the silent dictate to cover up the true motives of racist Tea Party Libertarian Anarchists were not surprised to learn that someone who looked like President Obama was the flash point for a racial attack.

No sooner then the first reports surfaced the ninety-eight percent conservative owned media now experts in lying about the motives and identity of these racist right wing NRA Tea Party nuts who are still besides themselves that the President of the United States is a Black man.

Its ironic that anyone reporting the truth about these shootings would be criticized and scorned while the conservative spinmeisters get a pass using phrases like dark skinned Islamic terrorists.

Of course when we find out they’re racist Tea Party nuts with Alex Jones tea party NRA nonsense on their computers or the Libertarian Bible Turner Diaries in their library or a full on profile complete with their picture-sans red hair-on the Colorado Tea Party website or in the case of Scott Dekraai the Orange County salon shooter who forgot to take his “Join The Tea Party” plates off his truck before he murdered eight that correction gets buried on page nineteen.

Its hard to figure why racists insist on portraying their disgruntled Tea Party faithful as Liberal, Obama supporting New Black Panthers as if anyone’s that stupid to think Liberals who supported Obama by an over ten million vote majority feel the need to murder people in the Safeway after Sarah Palin nut posts a Hit Map complete with Gabby Giffords in cross-hairs with the special instruction; “Don’t retreat reload!”

Fort Hood soldiers, local authorities respond to Nov. 5 shooting spree

Are they really that stupid that they don’t think people will ask why would Obama supporters protest President Obama by killing people? Or is it they’re that stupid to think we wouldn’t put two and two together.

Jones who’s lectures and materials were found on the Boston Marathon bombing suspects offered on his radio show that Michelle Obama set off the bombs, why? I guess cause she was Black.

The absurdity of the insult to our intelligence is whats so alarming. In the 2009 Fort Hood bombing done by Nidal Hasan– who was portrayed as a dark-skinned Islamic Terrorist– at the end of the day he was another Tea Party Nut mad because the President was Black.

When have mass murders been so dismissed as Islamic Terrorism in this Country when none of these people have Islamic ties?

“I’ll take Racist Tea Party Nut Turned Dark Skinned Islamic New Black Panther for $500 Alex” 

~Unnamed Contestant

Its as if they’re telling them if they get caught they must hastily convert to Islam and spray on a tan while swearing their allegiance to Obama.

Lopez was reportedly having psychological evaluations to gauge whether or not he had suffered trauma the result of a recent tour in Afghanistan

A sure fire way to avoid a trial and as such revelation that the shooters are Tea Party is the insanity plea. At what point does this media deception encourage other Tea Party nuts to carry out mass shootings?

Its time we reject the lie that Liberals are killing people to protest a Liberal President. The Black community has known from day one that innocent lives were at stake as violence and bullying is the only tool of the right. We must call them on it.

Theron K. Cal is a Real Brother and host of as well as owner of the Real Brother Radio Netork.

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