Warren Ballentine


listen_button-OPINION by

Theron K. Cal, Managing Editor RBRN


By now you know Empowerment Radio Host Warren Ballentine has been convicted on all six charges in his corruption trial stemming from a series of thirty real estate closings.  Federal Prosecutors say Ballentine bilked banks out of ten million dollars .

The verdict was disheartening to say the least. Warren and I have our differences, ironically stemming from his unwillingness to tell the truth on the air as well as his belief that Whites are superior.

Yet I know what society thinks of blacks-black men impeticular-and what that means if given an opportunity to take us out the game.  Ballentine is facing up to thirty years for this conviction. He’ll be sentenced on January 21, 2015.

Make no mistake there’s no silver lining in this tragedy. What we can take from it; is how our mistakes, be they criminal or not can result in a victory for those- while far from superior-are desperate to return this Country to a time when blacks were subservient to the whims and wishes of history’s dumbest people.

When I looked up to Warren as a role model & mentor- before I had my own show and network-we’d converse on his show often. When I noticed he didn’t care about the truth only in building an audience we fell out.

I’ll never forget him arguing that the near $5 gas prices were because of the 7¢ Federal Tax per gallon. That he was unwilling to even pull out a calculator and figure a 7¢ tax couldn’t possibly result in a $2 increase in gas prices was perplexing.

He called for a boycott of all major diamond retailers,  luxury yacht, private jet Manufacturers and the like to punish whites for the murder of Trayvon Martin. I wrote it would amount to a $10 fine to major retailers and if that’s all a black child’s life was worth expect them to kick in $200 to have the right to murder twenty more unarmed black teens.

Warren argued vehemently that President Obama wouldn’t be re-elected that whites were superior.

Whites are superior and they don’t want him to be President anymore so you bet he won’t be come this November

~Warren Ballentine

I’ll never forget tuning into his show just to see if he’d apologize or at least admit he was wrong, but if I recall correctly he said, “See, I told you he’d be re-elected“, I was through.

A frequent target of Ballentine and his current fill in Host- another Conspiracy Theory New World Order Whites are Superior Nut Michael M. Hotep-are black leaders or as they like to call them black misleadership.

JUDGE Matthew Kinnelly will decide Ballentine’s fate

Their theory is whites are superior so any blacks that rise to power are placed there by the superior white God’s breaking their backs and necks trying to destroy them.

Ballentine’s unwarranted attacks on black leaders including Obama were the worst part of his rhetoric. Ignoring the fact that to be successful, blacks have to embrace our black race, culture and reject the myth of white supremacy.

MSNBC Host and WOL syndicated radio host Al Sharpton was singled out by Ballentine as a snitch, and FBI Informant. Ballentine argued that he wouldn’t play ball with the Feds like Sharpton did and that’s one of the reasons he was targeted.

It was absolute malarkey but Warren is so delusional and stuck on the myth of his own omnipotence he was sold on it and no one could tell him different.

The truth is, black leaders are so because they embrace their black race, culture, reject the myth of white supremacy and if targeted by the Feds cooperate fully, tell the truth and as such have nothing to hide.

Warren’s fill in Host said on air last week, “If you hang around four broke people, then you’ll become the fifth broke person”  This gives us insight to how delusional them brothers are.

No if you hang around four Bernie Maddoff’s you’ll become the fifth. We live in a marketplace of ideas and the rules are, we go with the best idea. Where brothers like Warren go wrong is in thinking the ones with the most money or the most letters after their name,or someone white, have the best ideas.

This convoluted thinking doesn’t account for the fact that the person with the best idea may take a lil’ longer to get to Bernie Maddoff’s financial status.

Hopefully Warren wins his appeal and can avoid any jail time in this case. Why he thought arguing, “I only made $300 each time we robbed the bank” I’ll never know, but the lesson weened from this is clear, we are never too big, too proud or too blessed to listen to someone with the best idea.

Those are my thoughts as usual I invite yours.


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