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Racist Tea Party Nuts Capture Twitter



OPINION-by Theron K. Cal

Los Angeles-CA The racists who run Twitter as a condition of their IPO had to ban me and about 700,000 by one account Obama supporters who challenged the myth that Whites are superior.

After six months of being banned from the site–enough time for Twitter to complete its IPO–I successfully argued that now that they have a Billion Dollars in which to advance the myth of White supremacy what logical reason do they have to continue my ban?

Its important because when I launched Real Brother Radio Network last month I needed the ability to notify my many followers on Twitter. I’m the only media outlet on the planet who even cares about the truth and while I understand racists have a different agenda I still could use the added promotion that came from Twitter.

I thought if I use the #BlackTwitter hashtag they’d leave me alone because most racists don’t go into that hashtag. Yet I was wrong, they were reading my posts and realized I was destroying their arguments and doing much damage to the myth of White supremacy which is the foundation of their wealth and power.



Most of the Brothers & Sista’s banned by Twitter accept it because at the end of the day they own the site we don’t. But how you gonna have a public site that only White racists can freely speak on?

Is a Whites Only policy illegal at the Woolworth’s lunch counter but not illegal on Twitter?

Legal considerations must be discussed if for any reason to see just who is being banned and for what reasons.

The official line is that Twitter has an automatic system that suspends people who are blocked by a number of users or reported as posting Spam.

That’s discriminating from the jump because racists far out number and literally out GUN the few Real Brothers & Sista’s who would put their lives in danger by daring to tell the truth on the site.

So racists get to target anyone Black who they feel has made too good an argument and Twitter says, OK we’ll ban em’.

Sadly people aren’t gonna come to my defense because they know they’d be targeted as well and I fully understand that. What I hope is that we understand the bullying and racist censorship that goes on is not institutional.

Twitter can hide their racism behind an algorithm that simply kicks anyone off the site who racists don’t like but at the end of the day its the racists who run Twitter who control the bot that targets Black people who’s only violation of terms is making a better argument.

In conclusion, I have to accept my ban from Twitter but I will never accept the notion that opposing racism is worthy of being banned.


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