
Morehouse Student Stephen Stafford


by Theron K. Cal

Los Angeles, CA- We must be very careful in the age of Obama as the enemies of the Black Race and Culture target young Black boys who dare look like Obama if he had a son.

Ninety percent of Blacks still think the White race is superior and as such President Obama is either a puppet of some unnamed, unseen, superior White ghost of Willie Lynch or he’s a plant sent to trick us into thinking he beat the pants off the racists when they actually control him.

The truth that President Obama’s success came from embracing his Black race and culture and rejecting the myth of White supremacy may be lost on the Black man hating women and their sons who are plants of formerly Black owned media purchased by Comcast the direct result of Obama’s election.

Or a more cynical view might be that the Black man haters who staff these formerly Black owned media outlets are purposely doing the bidding of the very racist ideology that is causing the murders of Black teens before they have a chance to become President Obama.

Lately the enemies of the Black race have been pushing stories of Black men who have been accepted into Ivy league colleges and in one case all eight Ivy league colleges.

We understand its natural to accept the desire of Whites to have Blacks paying homage to them by trying to become the myth of White Supremacy which to Whites, is their sole reason for existing.

That said, the conundrum is for Blacks like President Obama, Oprah, Magic, Kathy Hughes, Lupita Nyongo etc. to succeed by their own admission they can’t succeed by hating their own Black race and culture buying into the myth of White supremacy, no the opposite is true.

That too many believe by embracing our Black race and culture-rejecting the myth of White supremacy- we are somehow expressing a hatred of Whites as an excuse to get us to Sellout is the danger.

In conclusion, nobody’s suggesting Blacks like a young Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson shouldn’t go to Ivy league colleges and universities. What we are suggesting is that they go not in an effort to become White but because they embraced their Black race and culture and rejected the myth of White Supremacy.

That way when they exit these Ivy league colleges and universities they’ll be far more valuable to society then the enemies and traditional oppressors of our race.


Ever consider Hosting your own radio show? Join the Real Brother Radio Network. We are looking for about 200 Real Brothers and Sista’s who embrace their Black Race and Culture and reject the MYTH of White Supremacy to combat our 98% Conservative owned media. Send your concept and idea’s to:



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