Obama’s Supreme Court Pick…High-water Mark for Jews on the Court



Elizabeth Dias Time Magazine- Theron K. Cal Managing Editor RBR Network

President Obama on Wednesday nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, prompting Republicans to quickly reiterate their refusal to consider any Obama nominee for the high court. But if he were confirmed, Garland’s addition would give the court the highest number of Jewish justices at one time in American history—setting that record for the second time in Obama’s presidency.

I have a few thoughts on the Garland nomination. First off as noted in the Time story Garland is Jewish which goes against the Republican charge that Obama’s a Muslim who hates Jews. Second, Garland is a moderate in spite what Republicans will claim. Third Garland’s from Chicago and Harvard which means Obama knows him well.

Before the nomination I said the Presidents in good shape because the first position in the Republican Primary fight will be to stake out a hard line position against any vote on any nominee that Obama(a Black man) would offer. This would force the other candidates vying for the GOP nomination to take the opposition position to spite Ted Cruz.

No matter how the ninety-eight percent Conservative Owned MSM tries to falsely claim they’re all in one accord against Obama-they know they can’t all prevail so coming out on top on this issue-especially when Cruz has offered this is the key to the 2016 election-becomes critical. Its Ohio Governor John Kasich and Businessman Donald Trump aligned against Cruz.

Obama’s strategy; pit Kasich and Trump against Cruz to foil his promise to prevent even a vote for Garland. The reason a vote is important is because while the Republicans have a majority in the Senate they don’t have a super majority and as such couldn’t stop Democrats and-the more than a few Republicans, that can’t stand Ted Cruz-from voting yay just to spite Cruz or to bolster the bids of either Trump or Kasich.

And yes the Senators who dropped out of the Presidential race who remain in the Senate-Rand Paul and Marco Rubio– wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to throw shade on the remaining contenders. There’s no doubt if there’s a vote, Garland gets confirmed and score one for Rubio, Paul, Trump and Kasich.

Black man haters wanted Obama to put Judge Mablean on the High Court.

Black man haters wanted Obama to put Judge Mablean on the High Court.

As for the bitter, Black man hating, Black women-who wanted President Obama to nominate Feminista Jones, NayNay or Angry Black Lady -ya’ll need to have an entire row of seats. Giving Republicans a ready made excuse to dismiss your nominee in an election year that happens to be Obama’s last year in office? Stop playin’.

No the last thing Obama would want to do is live down why he nominated Judge Mablean or worse a female Clarence Thomas. The Presidents enemies have resolved if they’re going to destroy him they’re gonna have to do it once he’s left office. But you don’t have to ask Republicans twice if they’ll accept taking him down in the eleventh hour of his term.

Conservative talker Hugh Hewitt on his Nationally syndicated radio show offered Garland, while a far left leaning Liberal(hear him tell it Garland’s Bernie Sanders to the 18th power), but far less so than any nominee that Hillary Clinton would nominate if she were to win the election. A very wrong assumption but one that could factor into the equation.

If not that, there’s always Judge Mablean. How I see it playing out; Garland gets confirmed. Trump forces Republicans to snatch the nomination away from him at the Convention. Cruz loses to Hillary and the world is a better place. Those are my thoughts as usual I invite yours.


To see Elizabeth Dias’ Time Magazine article click here:

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