10 Things You Don’t Know About Ferguson



listen_button-Opinion 3/16/2015  by

Theron K. Cal, Managing Editor RBR Network

I’m trying to get my numbers up on my YouTube page which you can find here: RBR Network@YouTube  and on this Website. One of the ways they’re telling me to achieve that is to put a list on the title.

So even though I can tell you a hundred thousand things about Ferguson that you don’t know if I narrow it down to 10 I can achieve both ends.

1) 99.9% of all Whites think Blacks are Inferior. No matter what Race you are there’s a better than 90% chance you THINK the White Race & Culture to be superior to the Black Race & Culture as a way to justify and process 450 years of Slavery, Racism, Discrimination and Oppression solely based on Race.

2) 90% of all Blacks think Blacks are Inferior. Yes Blacks have to square and make sense of 450 years of Slavery, Racism, Discrimination and Oppression based on Race too.

3) Only 10% of Whites are Racist. I know you think this is a contradiction with my first point but no its not. RA’CISM(n) 1)Someone White, hates the President cause he’s Black. 2)Someone White thinks the White Race SUPERIOR.

4) You Don’t Understand The MYTH of White Supremacy. Yep you know Racism but you dont’ understand that its based on the MYTH of White genetic, intellectual and cultural superiority.

5) 98% of MSM is owned by White Conservatives and as such has no liberal bias. Yep it costs BILLIONS of dollars to own media properties making those forced to live hand to mouth or off the lay of the land unable to compete to own such media.

6) Black Media has no interest in solving the problem of Racism. Yep when 90% of Blacks think of Whites as superior and all Blacks trying to get paid by any means necessary the truth has no value.

7) Darrin Wilson lied about his execution of Mike Brown. He yelled stop or I’ll shoot after he fired SIX SHOTS? Brown GRABBED his gun then he drew his gun and shot Brown in the hand? Really?

8) Wilson lied about having his eye socket broken and his blood all over the inside of his cruiser. Until DNA Tests proved it was Browns blood.

9) Hands Up Don’t Shoot was not our LIE it was the Ferguson PD’s. They knew Brown had been shot six times so why does someone shot six times up his hands up and say don’t shoot?


They purposely sought Blacks to say hands up don’t shoot.


10) If you dont’ vote you can’t ask Racist Cops to stop MURDERING kids. That’s just stupid 96% of Blacks voted and all but 4% voted for Obama but even if we don’t vote they have no right to kill us.

In conclusion, we know there’s 100 thousand more you dont’ know after all you let these Racists get away with murder but that’ll do it for now.


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