The Real Africa, They Won’t Show You


by Theron K. Cal

Los Angeles, CA- Few of us realize the extent to which American society is designed to suppress African-Americans. This innate need to dominate and control minority populations by Whites is misconstrued by so many Blacks as proof that Whites are superior.

The truth is the need to lie and mislead people into thinking you’re superior isn’t a sign of superiority at all, its proof of how petty and childish Whites are.

Ironically, the desire to avoid reality and compete with African-Americans makes Whites unable to evolve.  In spite of over all income advantages White populations world wide lag in all areas of development and advancement.

The link below takes you to a site called a A Field Negro dot com. The post is called Beautiful Pictures of Africa. These are pictures that our ninety-eight percent conservative owned White media will never show you.

Let us never forget nothing our White media and society does is but for the express purposes of advancing the myth that Whites are superior.

Blacks should resist this notion of institutional racism its a lie. Racism is in the hearts and minds of ten percent of White people.  They can’t transfer it to institutions but they can trick you into believing they can, if you buy into the myth of their genetic, social, cultural and intellectual superiority.

So please look at these pictures save them pass them along to others who need to know the truth. Together we can help President Obama end the myth of White supremacy making society better for all.



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