HOW THEY GOT RICH, Discount Codes Black Book Resellers


Re-seller Discounts for Black Owned book stores and distributors.


Black Book Re-Sellers Get 50% Off; (5 unit minimum);

Simply follow this link and put in the following code: R55APVGS

Individual Wealth Builders Get $5 Off;

Simply follow this link and put in the following code: CUHHTLUH

John Arnold turned his desire to not leave his seat at a sporting event into a billion dollar business. From the book "How They Got Rich" 6 African-Americans & How The Built Their Fortunes . By Theron K. Cal

John Arnold turned his desire to not leave his seat at a sporting event into a billion dollar business. From the book “How They Got Rich” 6 African-Americans & How The Built Their Fortunes . By Theron K. Cal


f-gary-gray                              F. Gary Grey the highest paid African American Director.



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